Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

Sleazy Energy

May 04, 2022

17th April, 2022

I wasn’t really expecting an OBE this morning as I had a rather sleepless night, however I suddenly wake up in bed and find myself in the mind awake/body sleep state. There is something in bed with me that is trying to touch me, I get the image of an arm, behind me, it all feels a bit sleazy. I recognise the arm and the energy as lately this has happened before once with just the arm, and another time with an old man who I felt very uncomfortable with, yes sleazy is the right word.

I immediately blast the arm with light and leave my body, I can’t make it to the window for some reason and fly through the wall below it. It is dark for what seemed like a long time, I try demanding light but nothing happens, I try a few times then finally I start to see some buildings. I am flying over something similar to the town where I live only there are more buildings. I feel as if I want to fly over mountains and try to teleport to some Italian mountains, nothing happens, so or my intention isn’t strong enough or I am meant to be where I am.

I fly down into the town which is now nothing like where I live, the buildings are a bit dark and dreary, one in particular grabs my attention, the top floors appear empty and a bit forlorn. I ask a woman if anyone lives there and she tells me that a boy lives there alone.

I receive an image of a black boy, he is sad and lonely. I see him come out of the building and I sit and talk to him. He is wearing a hat and underneath he has long dreadlock type hair.

This is all I remember about the boy though I am sure there is more. I am out for a long time and I can’t remember everything. I do remember at one point being in a cave where I have several crystals and stones, it is my place it is very familiar although when I wake up I have no idea where it is. I am gathering some sparkling golden dust and placing it in a dish in the cave I am convinced that I will find it in the dish when I wake up. Maybe I did, maybe this was another me that I was aware of in the out-of-body state but not when I woke up.

The being/energy in bed with me is something I need to deal with, it’s possible I already have after blasting it with light, only time will tell. Recurring experiences are very important and are often an indication that you are working on something, both recurring OBEs and dreams, I believe it is very important to investigate themes etc that repeat themselves. it could be a call for help or it could be that we are being given an opportunity to dissolve some karma.

I’m recording this 10 days after the above experience and so far what I described as the sleazy old man hasn’t returned so let’s hope I got rid of him with the light blast.