Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

Let’s Get 5-Dimensional

April 13, 2022

12th April, 2022

It’s been a few weeks since an exit, I was beginning to think that something was blocking my frequencies, however, this morning just 30 minutes before I had to get up I had an experience.

It starts off as a dream, I am lying in a dark place, there is a large screen in front of me and that is also dark. Then I start to go down and down, I feel some energy sensations and I know I am leaving my body even though I am not in my sleeping body in my bedroom. I am aware and the further I descend the deeper and more profound the feeling becomes. At some point I feel as if I need to shake off something and I kind of twist and turn and wave my arms around to get free. It could be that I am getting rid of heavy 3D energies.

It is still a bit dark though I can see well, I feel quite happy, the place though dark is not ominous. Everything is in different shades of grey, there are also triangular patterns made with different shades of grey they are moving. I see a bright light a small distance away and I feel it is God/The All/The Creator, or at least more direct contact as the All is everywhere. There is another screen in front of me and I see Jesus talking, he is in the traditional image, and I think I doubt if he looked liked that, then I realise that the whole thing is being rather ironic, presented in a humorous way as a small cartoon type character appears in the corner of the screen. There is a tunnel out of this dark place, I follow it but it gets very low and narrow, I can see light on the other side so instead of taking the tunnel I just say to myself ‘now I am on the other side’ and then I sort of teletransport to the other side where there is light. I am at the top of a hill or mountain, very high up and as I look out at the view it almost takes my breath away, it feels as though I am in Scotland. Visually the countryside is normal, even a bit barren but the feeling I get from it is so deep and profound, I wonder if I am seeing/feeling Scotland in the fifth dimension. I fly down to a pond where there are some fish and I walk along side it, I see a man filling up the pond with water, he tells me that the fish need more water, and I see in some parts the pond is a bit shallow.

After this I wake up.

I felt so good in this experience, although nothing really happened outwardly, as I was going down it felt so deep and it was a relief to feel the depth, it is difficult to describe. The depth of the countryside was amazing too and flying down into the valley from the top of the hill or mountain was incredible.

This is an addition from the following day, as I had a few thoughts about my experience and the feeling of depth that I had, and why it felt such a relief to have that feeling, I think it’s because it’s our natural state of being. It is in fact our natural state of being to feel more, to be more widely conscious and to feel that depth in our lives, in our environment, in people, in animals, in plants and in everything that surrounds us and that’s why it felt such a relief; we have veered away from our natural selves during our lives on Earth, all of them, and I do believe now it’s time to get that back.

Thanks for listening/reading.
