Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

An Astral Projection Technique (Hands)

December 15, 2021

There’s a popular lucid dreaming technique which involves looking at your hands at various intervals during the day and asking yourself if you are dreaming, if you do this often enough you’ll do it in your dream and when you ask the question the answer will be, ‘Yes I’m dreaming’ and you will become lucid.

When my daughter had the OBE she described in the previous episode she used the same idea of looking at her hands but in a different way. Here’s her describing what she did.

(Approximate script)

I pictured myself in my head looking at my hands, it’s a bit hard to describe actually, what I was doing was imagining myself looking at my hands and then picturing the window in my bedroom and thinking about me going towards the window, because what I used to do before was actually opening my eyes an then it was just a matter of ‘Am I out-of-body am I not out-of-body’ and then most of the time I’ll be not out-of-body because it would be me physically moving and opening my eyes, whereas if I keep everything in my mind, I think it works better, just think about it and picture myself looking at my hands and the window, and I just automatically switch to being out-of-body so I don’t need to open my eyes because this was what I was doing before, as I wanted to look at myself in bed, my physical body.

This shows how visualization can help you to have OBEs. One of the techniques I used to use a lot was a combination of visual and tactile, I still use this technique but not as often. It involves visualizing a place where I enjoy being, a place I know well which I can really bring to life, so much so that I can even feel what it’s like to be there, I imagine how things feel and play the scene over and over in my mind. I imagine myself flying there, how I can feel the breeze on my face etc. I make it as real as I can. The place I use is my parents back garden as I was always outside as a child and I know the garden so well. It’s important that the location you choose has a positive vibe. You have to be consistent and use the same place each time you try, it may not work the first time and this is normal, we are programming ourselves so we need to keep re-enforcing the program and repeat the process over and over. Maybe you have a photo of the location, you can carry it around with you and if you find yourself with a few spare moments get out the photo and imagine yourself there, bring it to life, how does the grass feel, or if you have chosen a beach, how does the sand feel under your feet or the waves gently lapping at your feet, can you hear the seagulls?

I would often end up in my astral garden, I still do, and then I decide what I am going to do or I interact with who or what is in the garden. I’ve had some interesting meetings in my garden over the years. So start to think about your special place bring it to life and imagine yourself there before you go to sleep and at any time during the night when you wake up,

Thanks for listening/reading,

Happy travels!