Money Tales

Money Tales

Own Your Worth, with Ashley Paré

February 06, 2025

This episode of Money Tales is all about how our self-worth can get deeply entangled in our work that we get so caught up in what we do for a living that we lose touch with who we are as an individual. Our guest this week is Ashley Paré. As an HR insider with access to tech’s most guarded secrets – C-suite dynamics, salary data, and negotiation playbooks – Ashley started her career fearlessly advocating for her worth. As she said, “I had bills, I was valuable, I had an education – why not ask?” But the higher Ashley climbed, the more the corporate world’s unwritten rules and fear of consequences weighed her down. When she finally made her “infamous ask” for a raise, channeling the bold moves she’d coached countless colleagues through, it backfired. Ashley’s boss wasn’t just saying no – he was angry she’d even asked. That moment sparked Ashley’s mission to help people reclaim that early fearlessness and master the art of negotiation.

Ashley Paré is the CEO & Founder of Own Your Worth®. She’s helped thousands of women grow careers on their own terms by being authentic in tough conversations, building bridges through negotiation, and trusting “no” is not the end. As an Executive Coach & Keynote Speaker, Ashley gives clients the tools to own their worth in order to create wealth, power and impact. Ashley is a TEDx Speaker with more than a decade of corporate experience in global Human Resources. She’s been featured in The New York Times, Glamour, CNN Money, Good Morning America and more. She resides with her husband and two sons in Boston, MA. You can connect with her on Instagram @Iamashleypare and learn more about her work at