Ask Wildman

Ask Wildman

Ep. 33: Basics of Retargeting and Getting Your Business Online

July 09, 2021

How do you retarget? Why is it so important to have e-commerce as a part of my small business?

Retargeting is a form of targeted advertising where you show someone who has viewed your products ads of that product late on after leaving your website. It's so important to have an e-commerce element to your business because of competition. People are becoming more and more prone to ordering something online rather than driving to the store to get it.

Ask Wildman: An open Q&A show produced by Wildman Web Solutions. We specialize in getting small businesses online and, as we adapt to this new reality during the COVID-19 epidemic, we want to answer as many questions as possible and provide resources to struggling business owners. How do you set up Facebook Ads? What platform should you use to host or build your website? What social media should you be using? These are the kind of Q's we hope to tackle on Ask Wildman. Please like and share to help us spread the word and help as many people as possible!