Ask Wildman

Ask Wildman

Ep. 29: Live Events During a Pandemic, New Work Norms and Changing Consumer Habits

June 28, 2021

Should I invest in digital live events? What do the long-term effects for live events look like? How has the work-life balance shifted? What are some of the major changes in consumer buying habits?

Only time will tell what the long-term effects could be for live events. More people may attend work conferences from the comfort of their couch. People may start tuning in to Facebook Live concerts from their patio. Truth is, we don't know what things will look like in the future. One thing we do know, people like working from home.

Ask Wildman: An open Q&A show produced by Wildman Web Solutions. We specialize in getting small businesses online and, as we adapt to this new reality during the COVID-19 epidemic, we want to answer as many questions as possible and provide resources to struggling business owners. How do you set up Facebook Ads? What platform should you use to host or build your website? What social media should you be using? These are the kind of Q's we hope to tackle on Ask Wildman. Please like and share to help us spread the word and help as many people as possible!