Ask Wildman

Ask Wildman

Ep. 18: Conversions

May 12, 2021

What is a conversion? How do I get my audience to convert? How does my website affect my conversion rates?

Every business or store has a different goal they’re trying to achieve. For example, you may want more sales; others may want more leads; and some may want to increase their email subscribers. However, the one thing that all of these businesses have in common is that they all care about conversion. Their website’s main goal is to convert visitors into customers or leads. It’s important to understand how your website is affecting your conversion rates because this will help you understand what steps you need to take next towards achieving success.

Ask Wildman: An open Q&A show produced by Wildman Web Solutions. We specialize in getting small businesses online and, as we adapt to this new reality during the COVID-19 epidemic, we want to answer as many questions as possible and provide resources to struggling business owners. How do you set up Facebook Ads? What platform should you use to host or build your website? What social media should you be using? These are the kind of Q's we hope to tackle on Ask Wildman. Please like and share to help us spread the word and help as many people as possible!