Ask a Millennial Christian

Ask a Millennial Christian

Latest Episodes

Multiethnic Church Planting in Southern California with Bogdan Kipko
March 28, 2016

What does it mean to pastor a church plant in a multiethnic, Millennial context? Cultural differences between Seattle and Orange County The Slavic church in America With Bogdan Kipko, host of the Fuel for Life podcast and pastor of Forward Church.

The Calvinism Debate – Total Depravity
March 24, 2016

  Today’s episode is a little different. The Christus Victor Network, parent of Ask a Millennial Christian, is hosting a series of debates on the 5 points of Calvinism. I recently moderated the first debate, on the “T” in TULIP – Total Depravity.

The Nephilim and Andy Stanley on Small Churches
March 11, 2016

How does #hermeneutics affect how we interpret Genesis 6? Are we importing a polytheistic worldview with demigods? Andy Stanley calls outs selfish adults who takes their kids to a small church. With Tyler Vela,

Hermeneutics: The Art and Science of Interpretation
March 07, 2016

What’s up with all the Christian denominations? Why do People Interpret the Same Bible Differently? #hermeneutics Was Hamlet Really About the Plight of Urban Hipsters? With Tyler Vela, host of The Freed Thinker Join us and participate in the conversati...

Introduction to Ask a Millennial Christian
March 06, 2016

Ask a Millennial Christian is a call-in show where we answer questions on theology, culture, and news from the perspective of the most sought-after marketing segment of the day. Join us and participate in the conversation!