AskAlex Podcast

AskAlex Podcast

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AAI 007 Scopeleads - How to fix churn when it's your biggest issues as a SaaS startup
January 13, 2019

Our startup review is with Lior Ohayon at If you are a digital marketing company looking to get more leads, check it out! The startup struggle is churn. Yes, he’s a SaaS company. There are no simple answers here as there are...

A reputation comes at a cost, and should
November 30, 2018

Dictum meum pactum is a phrase I learned in high school whilst writing essays for my application to Oxford University and it is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of reputation. It is something that I have oft found not possessed by...

AA 022: Should I talk to my startup competitors?
January 01, 2018

Welcome to the 22nd podcast of the Ask Alex show! Today the question is "Should I talk to my startup competitors?" - In this podcast, we deal with why talking to the competition is worthwhile... and how to do it right so you don't get mind raped: -

AA 021: How do I get introductions to investors?
December 31, 2017

Welcome to the 21st podcast of the Ask Alex show! Today the question is "How do I get introductions to investors?" - In this podcast, we answer a something every founder of a startup is wondering on their path to getting funded.

AA 020: How important is the team in getting funded?
December 30, 2017

Welcome to the 20th podcast of the Ask Alex show! Today the question is "How important is the team in getting funded?" - In this podcast, we talk about the one really key factor that investors care about when making an investment and prevents founders...

AA 019: Will investors sign my NDA?
December 28, 2017

Welcome to the 19th podcast of the Ask Alex show! Today the question is "Will investors sign my NDA?" - In this podcast, we answer a common question founders have but should never ask: Why investors do not sign an NDA

AA 018: What is your opinion on intellectual property for VC valuation on start-ups?
December 26, 2017

Welcome to the fifteenth podcast of the Ask Alex show! Today the question is on "What is your opinion on intellectual property for VC valuation on start-ups?" - In this podcast, we debate the value of intellectual property: -