Entrepreneurs in Action

Entrepreneurs in Action

EIA 068 Kelly Shan Guojiao’s Breakthrough Transformation from Nursing

April 15, 2023
Kelly Shan GuojiaoKelly Shan Guojiao

Kelly Shan is an experienced healthcare professional in the areas of nursing and public health. She started as a scrub nurse in the operating theatre before transferring to a pre-operative anesthesia assessment clinic,

“after a few years in the Outpatient Clinic you realize that a lot of even higher education background you know even there are lawyers or teachers they don’t have much knowledge about what is the meaning of the blood pressure the two numbers right so they do not understand what is the meaning or about diabetes they don’t really know much even they have higher educations “

This inspired her to take a specialist diploma in nutrition and health promotion and pursue a Master’s in public health and health promotion at Brunel University in the UK.

After returning to work in Singapore, Kelly is now looking for a career change to expand her horizons further. She has elicited the help of the Brunel Alumni to help her with this.

“I would just send a message in a group I didn’t really expect any reply but yeah Mario is one of our member I think that afternoon he messaged me for a quick call yeah to just know a little bit more what I want to do because he’s the international head of HR department”

This conversation is the seventh in the pilot for the Brunel Alumni Association (Singapore).

The format is based on Entrepreneurs in Action and we are looking to evolve it into a stand-alone podcast series focused on Brunel Alumni based in Singapore

Send your ideas and suggestions to me on LinkedIn, or in person at the next Brunel Alumni Association meetup in Singapore

So now without further delay lets begin

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