Entrepreneurs in Action

Entrepreneurs in Action

EIA 063 Mario Ferraro Using Physics to Manage Global Talent

October 11, 2022
Mario FerraroMario Ferraro

Mario Ferraro is a thought leader in the area of Global Talent Management and an active member of the Brunel Alumni Association, Singapore

He moved to Singapore in 1998

But his unusual journey began in 1987. At the age of 18 one week after graduating from secondary school he moved on his own from Italy to the UK. Mario had no job and spoke very little English. His early jobs were for basic survival and during his commute he began reading books on physics. His interest grew, and In 1987 he enrolled to study a degree in physics at Brunel University. Mario’s first job after graduating required him to use his physic knowledge but a gradual shift towards the people within organisations occurred.

“Because you know you will have the best idea in the world If you don’t have the people to execute it in the right place, at the right cost, at the right time. It’s just not going to happen. The world is full of great ideas which were never properly implemented…”

However, his physics training was and still is an important part of the approach Mario takes in his role.

When I think of how my physics interest and my physics background has help me throughout this, is I have found so many parallels and so many similarities between the laws of physics and what I observe in individuals in organisations and in societies in general.

So now without further delay let’s begin

As Well As

  • Introduction
  • Early life in UK, basic jobs interest in physics, interview and starting at Brunel
  • Curiosity and how things work, a Basic under standing of Physics, a developing interest,
  • Education in Italy and his specialisation
  • First job in the UK with a tailor, factory then hotel, experience the UK and avoiding the Italian community.
  • Panic answering the phone in English leading to increased confidence
  • Early locations in UK and saving money to complete degree
  • The goal to survive in the UK
  • The evolution of Mario’s career from physicist to human capital
  • How his first job move after graduating came about
  • How the move to Singapore occurred and the role
  • Building and maintaining continuous career improvement
  • Mario’s role and purpose as employee number one for his current company
  • Naming and describing his role in detail as an “Integrator”
  • How Mario deals with conflicts in large organisations and the connection to individuals personal lives
  • Equations that describe human behaviour
  • Dealing with culture shock using physic’s law of refraction to explain and deal with top performers failing in a new environment
  • The mistaken assumptions that can be made when English speakers move to Singapore
  • Mario’s thoughts on his career progression over time and adapting when people no longer move physically and have to work remotely.
  • The different approaches countries have taken post covid and allowing foreign employees to cross borders.
  • Benefiting from the global talent pool
  • Benefit of being part of the Brunel University Alumni Association (Singapore)
  • Advice to current Brunel University Students
  • Meeting at the next session

Mario Ferraro


Brunel University

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