Ashtanga Dispatch Podcast

Ashtanga Dispatch Podcast

Podcast Episode 19: Taylor and Jessica Hunt

August 18, 2016

Episode #19: Taylor Hunt Returns

In today’s episode of the Ashtanga Dispatch Podcast, you'll hear from a teacher you’ve met before on this podcast: Taylor Hunt. Though this time, he’s joined by his wife, Jessica.

The first time Taylor in the midst of writing his book at the time, A Way From Darkness, a biographical account of his journey out of addiction. A lot has changed since then ... for one, Taylor's book, now published, has received an enormous positive response from students all over the world, inspired by his message of hope and transformation.

But also, our families have developed a strong friendship. He and Jess both helped guide my daughter and my first visit to Mysore this year and in May, they came here to Bozeman for our first Mountain Ashtanga Yoga Retreat. This podcast was recorded during that time.

Even so, Taylor’s book was still a really tough read for me. The realization of how indiscriminate the disease of addiction is was a scary concept for me - especially as a parent. And why you'll hear me stumble over my words in the beginning.

You see, Taylor was as far down as one could go. He wanted to die. Because that’s what addiction does to someone. It makes you feel alone and ashamed.

Of course to look at Taylor now, you’d never guess. And no one would ever have to know. So why did he put his story out there? Because as he says:

No one should ever feel that alone. No one should ever feel that hopeless.

That's why Taylor and Jessica have made it their mission to reach out to those who are suffering from addiction and substance abuse by bringing them hope through a non-profit the two began: the Trini Foundation
The Trini Foundation is dedicated to sharing Ashtanga yoga to those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction – bringing this transformative practice into underserved communities like women’s centers, addiction recovery centers, and prisons.

Now I scheduled this podcast now for a reason. Because next month is National Recover Month, a time set aside to increase awareness of understanding substance use disorders and to celebrate hope. And while that's nice and all, it doesn't mean crap unless there's action associated with it.

So if after listening to this podcast, you're as moved as I was - I urge you to join the Ashtanga Dispatch challenge to bring hope and help through yoga for as many of those struggling today and support the Trini Foundation with your gift of $10 or more today.

Remember as little $10 can make a difference to someone – especially when that’s combined with all our listeners around the world. Help someone believe in themselves and their life again.

I hope you enjoy today's episode. Please help spread the word: You're not alone. There is hope.

Join us at Ashtanga Dispatch for more.

Produced & Edited by Chris Lucas of