Autism Science Foundation Weekly Science Report

Autism Science Foundation Weekly Science Report

The latest on marijuana and autism across the globe

November 24, 2019

Since the ASF policy statement on marijuana for the treatment of ASD was published this summer, there have been some new scientific studies that may be of interest to families.  As it turns out CBD has opposite effects in the brains of people with autism compared to those without autism, meaning that it is absolutely essential that more research is done specifically in people across the spectrum in ASD.  Also, early studies in Israel and Brazil are showing some positive effects on behavior, but they are open label non controlled compassionate use basis studies, which in encouraging, but the science needs to be more rigorous and more studies need to be done in people with autism using standardized autism assessments if any progress is to be made.  Luckily a new study at NYU is enrolling for just that approach.  Please contact if you want to learn more about that.