The Conscientious Art of Non-Adulting

The Conscientious Art of Non-Adulting

Making Peace with Time

November 21, 2020

You know those moments where you catch yourself thinking "holy shit, I'm older.. I grew up...!" This episode explores one such moment in Erin Eliz's life, and the 4-year journey that led up to it.

Time is a funny thing. Some days it flies by us in the blink of an eye while other times it crawls slowly along. And, really, what is time anyhow?

You should listen to this episode if you have ever questioned "what am I doing with my life"? Or if you've ever sat in a corporate meeting and thought "OMG, this can't be the best use of my time."

Making Peace With Time recounts Erin Eliz's quest to pursue her passions and live a free-spirited life, all while still going to bed at a reasonable hour. It explores a journey that answered the question of what time truly means to her and crystalized her values, which revealed the next steps on her path.

Learn more about Erin and the Conscientious Art of Non-Adulting by visiting

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