The Artful Periscope – The Nimble Art of Storytelling

The Artful Periscope – The Nimble Art of Storytelling

Episode 65 – How Many Threads Connect Authors and What We Can Learn – Nelson and Alex DeMille

January 06, 2024

How many threads connect authors and what we can learn.  On this episode are two amazing authors who really need no introduction.  Nelson DeMille and his son Alex DeMille join the program to talk about their latest work Blood Lines.  Larry asks what it is like to co-author a book with a fellow family member and also if it was a challenge to find the starting point for the story.  Nelson talks about his writing style which is a departure from most authors with a “write as you go” plan. There is also a lively discussion about how the development of the characters develops in the writing process. Nelson and Alex also discuss how they study both current events and do extensive research before formulating a story and Larry posits how losing colleagues in the field can effect writing.