Art Beauty

Art Beauty

Summer Bodies Start Now: Here’s Nutrition Tips to Keep Yours Year Round!

March 01, 2022

Getting healthier is hard. Here are three tips for making adopting healthy habits easier from certified personal trainer and health coach, Tatiana Boncompagni.

  1. Know that the beginning is the hardest and prepare for it. Use meal plans (from books or apps), trainers, and meal delivery services) to provide the structure and accountability you may need to get through the early days. 
  2. Avoid decision fatigue. The more you take away the chance to stray from your diet, the more likely you are to stick to the plan.
  3. Don't be afraid to say "no" to situations that might make sticking to your eating plan hard. When you say "no," you are really saying YES to yourself and reinforcing that you matter. (You do!!)

Most importantly stay inspired. Surround yourself with others who have accomplished what you want to; their success tells you it is possible and that "if they can do it, so can you!"

Did you know that switching to a Mediterranean Diet -- ranked #1 diet by US News and World Report for 5 years running -- can boost your lifespan up to 13 years, according to a recent report published by PLoS Medicine, a peer-reviewed medical journal.

The study showed that men could increase their longevity by 13 years and women by 10 years if they switched to a diet that is high in vegetables, legumes and fish and poultry and low in processed and high-sugar foods. The best part? Researchers found that diet improvements even in mid-life or later have a positive impact on longevity.

In other words, it's never too late to switch up your habits.

Don't forget, you can order Eat Sunny to support you so you can crush all your goals in and out of the kitchen in 2022!