Mission: Milspouse Podcast

Mission: Milspouse Podcast

AWTR Show #744: "Danny and the Deployer" (with Featured Interview from First Command)

June 15, 2020

Hello and welcome to another installment of Army Wife Talk Radio! Today’s episode features Juanda Bryant, author of the Danny and the Deployer Book Series. As a Family Readiness Group Liaison while in the military, she helped prepare soldiers and families for deployment. In this position, she recognized the need to engage and educate children related to the deployment of family members. Ms. Bryant desires to captivate young audiences through her Danny and the Deployer book series and help them cope with deployment and develop an appreciation for service members and their sacrifices.
If you would like to connect with Juanda, click on any social media handles below!
Facebook: Juanda Bryant
Instagram: Juanda Bryant
Twitter: Juanda Bryant
Sponsor: First Command Financial
Empowerment Patrol Report: Hire Heroes USA
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