Mission: Milspouse Podcast

Mission: Milspouse Podcast

AWTR Show #738: "I'll Lend You My Daddy"

May 18, 2020

Thank you for listening to another amazing episode on Army Wife Talk Radio. This week we have Becky King joining us to talk about her children’s book titled ‘I’ll Lend You My Daddy’.  This book is a heartwarming story of love, courage, and comfort during deployment for military families with the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. In ‘I’ll Lend You My Daddy’, young boys and girls find ways to manage feelings about deployment (from goodbyes, to the first night, to missed birthdays) as they eagerly await their parents’ return. Through the support of family and friends, care packages and calls, these children grow strong with the knowledge of what it means to serve, generating pride from within, that makes glorious reunions all the more sweet by book’s end.
If you would like to purchase this book, click this link to visit Amazon
If you would like to connect with Becky, please visit:
Twitter: @swuteam
Instagram: @swuteam
Facebook: Starts With Us
Thank you to our show sponsor, ACD Milserve.
Congrats on our MRE (Motivated and Ready to Empower) winners, Newell and Anika!
This week’s Resource Recon features a Behind the Scenes with our command team member, Brittany who is currently stationed in South Korea. “Even amongst the covid-19 outbreak in South Korea Brittney was still able to get out and see all the beautiful cherry blossoms”. Visit our Facebook page for similar stories and posts!
Listen in to hear this week’s top New 6 Stories or visit our AWN Website.