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11-03-24 HR 1 A full hour with AWR Hawkins from Breitbart News-Election coverage and predictions

November 03, 2024

A full hour with AWR Hawkins from Breitbart News-Election coverage and predictions

This hour on Armed American Radio Mark and AWR Hawkins from Breitbart News cover the upcoming election, make predictions and discuss possible outcome scenarios and their implications. What happens if Trump loses on Tuesday? What happens if Kamala Harris somehow pulls off a victory? What exactly is at stake and how do the odds stack up. How important is it for gun owners to show up at the polls on Tuesday and how can gun owners impact the election outcome. AWR gives us his predictions and at at the end of the hour Mark gives his electoral college pick assuming their is no cheating and the election outcome is fair. Are the polls wrong? Are the betting odds wrong? Also discussed is the flip in the betting odds over previous last two election cycles and the current tightening of the polls.