Blog Archived - Diamond and Silk®

Blog Archived - Diamond and Silk®

African American businesses wont get left behind under a Trump Administration

September 25, 2015

At the spur of the moment without notice Donald Trump was asked to stop by and speak to minority business owners which he did not hesitate to show up and give his insights and intellect to the large cheering crowd.  Donald Trump spoke about how African American Entrepreneurship is very important.  Donald Trump says he also wants good negotiators like the head of the African American chamber of commerce because in this country we need good negotiators negotiating our deals.  Donald Trump is a Businessman and a Self-made Billionaire that wants all Americans to thrive again in this country.  He is self-funding his own campaign and he says: “when I win, this country will be strong and rich again.”  The purpose of the South Carolina African American Chamber of commerce is to be an advocate for prosperity, progress and the permeation of success.  Later on that evening Donald Trump attended a town hall in Columbia, South Carolina, where he drew a massive large crowd of Trump Supporters moderated and hosted by Senator Tim Scott.  Diamond and Silk