The AC Podcast

The AC Podcast

Latest Episodes

Disability and the Gospel: An Interview with Michael S. Beates
September 13, 2017

Many of us know someone around us who lives with a significant disability. What is the Christian understanding of disability? Is disability an evil thing to be resisted? Is it to be embraced as a good thing? The Apologetics Canada team has Dr.

Discussing the Nashville Statement
September 08, 2017

A group of evangelical Christian leaders signed and issued a statement that affirms what they believe to be the biblical view on sex, gender, and marriage. There has been a tremendous backlash in the mainstream and social media world against the so-cal...

Ready, Set, Question
September 02, 2017

Steve returned this week from a youth retreat at a local Korean church with a pile of questions submitted on paper by the students. Do we not have free will if God foreknows my decision? Does evolution disprove Christianity?

Optimistic Nihilism?
August 24, 2017

If this universe is really a massive yet meaningless and purposeless collection of colliding particles, how would you feel about your place in it? Typically, this kind of nihilistic view of the world would bring on the so-called “existential dread.

A Princeton Professor’s Circular Argument for Abortion
August 17, 2017

James Franco has recently interviewed a philosophy professor from Princeton to discuss the ethics of abortion. This professor had a very peculiar view. Although the video of the interview is funny (the faces James Franco makes during the interview is p...

Living & Dying Alone Together
August 10, 2017

Andy recently preached on the topic of human value in light of human purpose. How does this impact the way we treat the very young and the elderly? Is our culture going the way of a gas engine trying to run on diesel?

Why Does God Allow Evil?: An Interview with Dr. Clay Jones
August 03, 2017

The problem of evil and suffering is one that has plagued many theologians. Much ink has been spilled over this question already and there does not seem to be a sign of stopping anytime soon. In the midst of this, a Christian Apologetics professor,

Finding Meaning in Coincidences
July 27, 2017

Live long enough and, sooner or later, we all come across coincidences. From birthday buddies to random personal connections you make in a far away place, there seems to be no lack of stories to be told. Are these any meaningful or are we reading into ...

Interview with Mike Hiscock
July 19, 2017

Apologetics Canada wouldn’t be possible without the help of many who generously give of their time and energy. A good example of this is Mike Hiscock, a commercial pilot who now wears a second hat as Conference Coordinator with Apologetics Canada.

Bad Robot!: Teaching Machines Ethics
July 13, 2017

What was once the stuff of science fiction is becoming more of a reality. As we strive to create a machine in our own image, we – perhaps naturally – seek to teach the machines right from wrong. This is a huge topic with many issues converging. Andy,