The AC Podcast

The AC Podcast

Latest Episodes

Re-Engaging the Imagination of the Disenchanted: An Interview with Dr. Paul M. Gould
June 06, 2019

If the Flat Earth Society (with “members from around the globe!”) were to host an event discussing astrophysics, would you attend it? Likely, virtually everyone would answer, “No.” This is because of what’s known as the plausibility structure in our mi...

Why These Books in the New Testament? Part Deux
May 29, 2019

What would happen if we were to discover additional writings by Apostle Paul? Should we include that in the canon or not? What about the forged documents we know of? Do we have reason to be confident that, say, the four Gospels are not forged?

Why These Books in the New Testament?
May 23, 2019

If you’ve ever wondered how the books in the New Testament came to be included in the Bible, you are not alone. While books like The Da Vinci Code would have us believe that the books in the New Testament were arbitrarily chosen for the purpose of powe...

The Future of Abortion in Canada and the US
May 17, 2019

Abortion, once thought to be a settled issue, has sharply come into focus again with the shifting political atmosphere in Canada and the US, particularly with the new pro-life laws coming into effect in the State of Georgia and Alabama.

R.I.P.: What We Can Learn from Rachel Held Evans
May 09, 2019

On May 3, 2019, Rachel Held Evans, the 37-year-old popular progressive Christian author, tragically passed away, leaving behind two young children and a husband. Known for questioning and challenging the Evangelical establishment,

Imaged: Navigating Dignity in a Technological Age
May 04, 2019

PARENTAL ADVISORY: The episode addresses mature subject matter at about the 29 minute mark. Technology has an interesting way of raising deeper questions for us. It invites us to scrutinize what we used to take for granted, or, at times,

Four Views of Evil: An Interview with W. Paul Franks
April 26, 2019

Evil is a fact of life. Some may experience it more intensely than others, but it seems ubiquitous nonetheless. It has puzzled many philosophers and theologians for centuries and much ink continues to be spilled even today.

More than Pixels: Exploring a Theology of Video Gaming
April 18, 2019

Remember the Super Mario Bros.? Some 30 years ago, video gaming was a harmless and pixelated diversion. However, the growing sophistication in video gaming technology is forcing us to raise some interesting questions.

Compassion Precedes Action
April 12, 2019

We’ve all heard the stories: a homeless person finds help, abuses the system, and then goes back out onto the street. These kinds of stories can make us jaded toward those who struggle with poverty, homelessness, and drug addiction.

Artificial Intelligence: What is It?
April 05, 2019

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds in our time. It is advancing so far, in fact, as to throw into question what it means to be human. We are struggling in our thinking to keep up with the pace at which technology is advancing. Today,