

E7 – The Idea To Podcast

March 14, 2017

In This Episode
You want to podcast, great! But what will you talk about? What is your Idea To Podcast?
Episode Credits
This episode was hosted, produced, and scored by Mark W.
Welcome to ApexThis.Podcast. A podcast about…podcasts; or rather a chronicle of my journey to start a publishing side business. This will be a behind the scenes look at what I’m doing to make that happen. And what better way than to start with my next project, creating an audiobook. But to get started, there is something critical that you need…The Idea To Podcast.
The Idea To Podcast
Day in and day out, I listened to podcast after podcast. Never did I imagine I would want to start a podcast myself, let alone actually create one.

Maybe you’re in the same boat as I was? You’re excited at the possibility of broadcasting your voice to the world. But an unknown fear creeps up within turning your call to action, into inaction. You wonder, can I really do this?

Yes, you can.

You’ve already covered step 1, a passion and excitement to podcast. If you’re not excited about it, then you won’t give it your all. That passion is what is going to push you through the rough times and lonely times.

So you have to ask yourself, am I passionate about this? Is this something I will love doing?
Was that a yes? Ok, so let’s flip to the other side of the passion coin and talk about the other requirement to complete step 1. The idea to podcast.
Don’t get me wrong, you do need a passion to podcast, but that won’t be your only number 1 requirement.  Your true passion is the reason you want to create the podcast to begin with. And it is the reason that you will keep going.

Your Passionate Idea
How do you know that you are passionate about your podcast topic?

One way to know is to ask yourself, “Has anyone ever asked you a question about a topic and you found yourself still talking about it an hour later?”

We’ve all been there. We’ve all told our victims that “I could talk about this all day.”

If this is bringing back memories or ideas immediately jumped out to you, then yeah, that may be something you are passionate about.
Before I decided to start my first podcast, I was the leader of a local user group and an administrator of various applications.  I found that while there was a lot of material to read and learn about these apps, there weren’t any tips and best practices readily available. The user group was the best place to get that information. I wondered, what if others wanted this information and to learn on the go like I did?
So, I did some research and found that when these tools were talked about on other podcasts, listeners liked it. And since I loved chatting about all the tips, tricks, and best practices I learned, I figured, why not podcast about it.

Your story could be as simple as that. An idea or topic that you are passionate talking about.

Would You Listen?

I wish that I could leave it at just the idea but there is one more thing. I hinted at this in my reasoning to start my first podcast.
Not only did I have a topic that I enjoyed talking about, it was something I would actually listen to.

With your idea and topic in hand, ask yourself, would you listen to a podcast about your topic? Would you listen to your podcast?

If that was a truthful yes, then you are already two steps ahead of everyone else.
You’re passionate about your idea, and you would actually listen to your podcast. Will others?
Now, you need to research.