

E4 – Publishing

February 02, 2017

In This Episode
Since I’m starting a publishing business, what do I need?

* Kickstarter
* GoFundMe
* Patreon

Show Credits
Hosted, produced, mixed, edited & scored by Mark

Welcome to ApexThis podcast. A podcast about…podcasting. Or rather, a chronicle of my journey to start a publishing side business. So, what is that? How does one get started?
Why Publishing
While the act of podcasting for me is young, I’ve always seen myself as a publisher and toyed with self-publishing. When I was younger I aimed at being a songwriter at the head of my own company. Every song I wrote not only included a “written by” notation but also included my to-be company name “Mastermind Entertainment”.
Suffice to say, I never formed such a company, but I always represented myself in that manner when it came to writing songs and shopping around for a singer to perform them. Being so adamant to retaining my publisher’s fee, I backed away from any agreements that broached that territory. And let me tell you, there were many that wanted to scam you of every right you had or trick you into selling your songs outright.
And so the dream continued. Songs that I wrote were labeled with my to-be publishing company name. Short stories were no different. 
So, what changed? Why now?
Sometimes we convince ourselves that things weren’t meant to be. We let an unknown guardian block our path and in doing so, we sometimes get lost. But if it was truly meant to be, it would be. You will see the signs sprinkled about you and if you stop long enough, you’ll see that what you were meant to do, never left. For myself, it has been writing and speaking. And over the years, I have used both to give speeches, presentations, and talks.  My songwriting ceased for a period of time and I took up technical and copy writing. Neither were ever done as a primary function but I found that I was so at ease with writing and speaking and that I truly enjoyed it.  Others noticed this too. 
And so I thought, maybe I’m not half bad at this. Maybe I should focus on these two areas, improve my writing, and learn the art of storytelling. 
I went back to writing; stretching my ability to its max and learning all that I can. This meant I started reading more, exposing myself to different writing styles and breaking down the author’s themes and plots. Then I joined Toastmasters, a public speaking organization. With its workbook, I figured I could improve my writing with targeted goals and then improve my speaking with the delivery of my writing and enhance my ability to tell a story. 
This renewed passion has brought me back to my younger days, where I would sign all my writing with the name of my to-be publishing company name. But this time, that company will be real and that company will be an independent publisher.
But first, I need to take baby steps. I have to build a name.
About Publishing
Publishing is an interesting business. It is not uncommon for a writer to start a publishing company. For starters, writing is your work, so you should treat it like a business. Establishing a publishing company helps separate your personal finances from that of your business or rather, your writing. It also helps elevate you to being seen as a professional and adds weight to your publishing.
Beyond that, you retain publishers right! In music, for example, you write the song, you have the copyright. When you join a publisher, they become co-owner of the copyright. If you are your own publisher you retain that publisher’s right...