ANPT Vestibular Special Interest Group

ANPT Vestibular Special Interest Group

Latest Episodes

Vestibular Rehabilitation SIG: Managing Multi-Canal BPPV and Coexisting Vestibular Migraine: A Case Report- Episode 72
October 15, 2024

Host Sarah Pichini PT, DPT is joined by Dr. Robin Evans, PT, DPT, GCS discussing a case study of a patient with bilateral multi canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and underlying Vestibu

Vestibular SIG: Modified Motion Sensitivity Test- Episode #71
October 05, 2024

Host Stephen Merchant PT, DPT, NCS is joined by Dr. Lisa Heusel-Gillig PT, DPT, NCS in a discussion regarding the development of the Modified Motion Sensitivity Test. Dr. Heusel-Gillig describes the r

Vestibular SIG: Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation in Pediatric Concussion- Episode #70
June 11, 2024

Host Jennifer Burus PT, NCS is joined by Anne W. Hunt, PhD, OT Reg (Ontario) and Nick Reed, PhD, MScOT, OT Reg (Ontario) for a discussion on multidisciplinary care for pediatric patients with concussi

Vestibular SIG- Integrating Psychology into Vestibular Rehab- Episode # 69
May 07, 2024

Host Maureen Clancy PT, DPT, OCS is joined by Joanna Wolfson PhD, ABPP and Emily Kostelnik PhD in a discussion on the integration of psychological care for patients with vestibular disorders. Dr. Ko

Vestibular SIG-Advocating for Vestibular Rehabilitation- Episode # 68
December 04, 2023

Host Puja Agarwal PT, DPT, MHA is joined by Dr. Jacob McPherson, PT, DPT, PhD, a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Science and a member of theUniversity of Buffalo Conc

Vestibular SIG: Updates on Vestibular Migraine and Meniere’s Disease- Episode #66
April 19, 2023

Host Maureen Clancy PT, DPT, OCS is joined by Helena Esmonde PT, DPT, NCS and Sara Oxborough PT in a discussion regarding recent updates regarding Vestibular Migraine and Meniere's Disease. They delv

Vestibular Rehabilitation SIG:  A Survey of Entry-Level Physical Therapy Education Content for Vestibular Rehabilitation Episode #67
April 18, 2023

Host Puneet Dhaliwal, PT,DPT, NCS is joined byDrs. Anne K. Galgon, PT, MPT, PhD and Andrew E. Littman, PT, PhD. Drs. Anne Galgon and Andrew Littmann are a part of task force that published"A Survey

Vestibular SIG: Vestibular Agnosia – Episode #65
November 11, 2022

Host Puja Agarwal PT, DPT, MHA is joined by Dr. Regan Harrell, PT, DPT, NCS, a current PhD student in Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Pittsburg to discuss Vestibular Agnosia. Dr. Harrell'

Spreading the Evidence: Integrating Evidence in Practice
July 18, 2022

In this episode, physical therapist and clinician, Jonathan Kinzinger, shares his story of finding evidence that he could apply to practice. Resources such as the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the

Vestibular SIG: Testing for Vestibular Hypofunction- Episode 64
May 30, 2022

Host Maureen Clancy PT, DPT, OCS is joined by Dr. Edward Cho an Otolaryngologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in a discussion of testing for vestibular hypofunction. The Vestibular Special Inter