ANPT Assistive Technology/Seated Wheeled Mobility Special Interest Group

ANPT Assistive Technology/Seated Wheeled Mobility Special Interest Group

Stroke SIG in Collaboration with Assistive Technology/Seating and Wheeled Mobility SIG: Wheelchair Prescription in the Neurologic Population – Episode 18

August 15, 2022

Host Jackie Loeshelle, PT, DPT is joined by Jennith Bernstein, PT, DPT, ATP/SMS of the Assistive Technology/Seated and Wheeled Mobility SIG to discuss wheelchair prescription for the neurologic population and the important role physical therapists have in this process.

Disclosure: Dr. Bernstein is a Clinical Affairs Manager for Permobil.

Resources on this topic are listed below:

The information in this podcast is meant for the benefits of physical therapists. It is not meant for personal medical diagnosis and or treatment. Individuals should always consult an appropriate medical practitioner with questions.

Please send comments or questions on this podcast to the Stroke SIG at

The Stroke Special Interest Group and Assistive Technology/Seating and Wheeled Mobility Special Interest Group are part of the Academy of
Neurologic Physical Therapy –