ANPT Assistive Technology/Seated Wheeled Mobility Special Interest Group

ANPT Assistive Technology/Seated Wheeled Mobility Special Interest Group

Wheelchair SIG: Master Clinician Penny Powers Pearls of Wisdom – Episode 1

January 20, 2021

This podcast from the Academy of Neurological Physical Therapy Assistive Technology/Seated Wheeled Mobility Special Interest Group highlights the career of master clinician, Penny J. Powers, PT, MS, ATP. She is a Level IV physical therapist at the VBWC Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute of Vanderbilt University Medical Center and works in the Adult Seating and Mobility Clinic at the Rehabilitation Institute. Penny discusses her 45-year career in physical therapy, with a focus on her transition to becoming a wheelchair and seating specialist in her clinical practice and the rewards of providing these services to the clients she serves professionally.

The AT/SWM Special Interest Group is part of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy –