Anime Jam Session

Anime Jam Session

Episode #199 - Youd Be Amazed at Whats Being Said...

January 23, 2015

On tonight's show, DJ Ranma S, Ari Rockefeller, and Mako-chan have a treat in store for you! Live on tonight's show, we interview Barracuda Cosplay! We will talk to her about how she got into cosplay and the infamous image about cosplayers charging for photoshoots, and we will take your calls! We then ask the Open Forum Topic, "We see a lot of cosplayers cosplaying from popular animes, mangas, video games, comics, movies, etc... But have you seen anyone cosplay a character you dont see at cons, or is there a character you would like to see thats not done?" And in the News From Japan segment, an officer arrested for molesting a girl, youth arrested for YouTube prank video, and sake in a can!
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