Animals Today Radio

Animals Today October 28, 2023. Captain Paul Watson and the book, Hitman for the Kindness Club. Adventures in cat shaving. Memorable dogs of the big and small screen.
Peter begins with the iconic Paul Watson, who continues to fight for animals and the seas. Now leading the Captain Paul Watson Foundation, his new book is titled, Hitman for the Kindness Club – High Seas Escapades and Heroic Adventures of an Eco-Activist. Paul discusses the roots of his activism, his role in virtually crushing the seal pelt market, Sea Shepherd’s direct work protecting whales from Japanese commercial whalers in the Southern Ocean as depicted on Whale Wars, and much more. Watson frankly discusses how Sea Shepherd (which, of course, he founded and led for decades) ultimately turned on him. The result is the Captain Paul Watson Foundation, which is worthy of support. Peter thoroughly enjoyed Paul’s book, in which his voice as a confident and wise man of action comes through. Says Watson, “If the oceans die, we die.”
Then, we share their experience with shaving the coat of our long-haired cat, Elton. During the pandemic lockdowns, we were compelled to take on new tasks and learn new skills. We are proud of Elton for his patience and cooperation, and a bit proud of our efforts, too!
To conclude, Join Lori with “tails” of famous Hollywood dogs including Rin Tin Tin, Toto from The Wizard of Oz (real name, Terry) and Lassie, (real name, Pal), Petey from Our Gang (real name, Pal the Wonder Dog) plus others.