Animals Today Radio

Animals Today Radio

Animals Today June 3, 2023: Acclaimed animals, imaginary and real. Early days of the Audubon Society. You can help dogs, cats and horses in Africa with Animal-Kind International.

June 04, 2023

We begin the show with a delightful romp across the animal kingdom and the animated creatures of renown with Lori and Peter. Apologies to Jim Henson. Then, learn about the early days of the Audubon Society, why and how it came to be, with Kate Kelly.

Peter continues by welcoming Karen Menczer, Founder and Director of Animal-Kind International (AKI).  Karen established this exemplary animal welfare organization in 2007 to serve needy and abused dogs and cats (and now horses) in various countries in Africa. In this discussion, Karen talks about three local groups AKI supports and partners with, Uganda Society for the Protection & Care of Animals, Sauvons nos Animaux-Democratic Republic of Congo, and The Six Freedoms-Ghana. AKI carefully evaluates and then partners with select groups which are lovingly and diligently working to help dogs, cats and horses in Africa.


USPCA staff in their new uniforms at the new shelter


Sauvons nos Animaux Animal-Friendly Kids Camp August 12 2022



Sauvons nos Animaux Animal Friendly Kids Camp Sept 16 2022


Karen Menczer with cats.