Animals Today Radio

Animals Today January 15, 2023. History of the animal rights movement. Pet care coverage in case of emergency at home. Please don’t adopt or buy a wolfdog. The Beatles had many songs about animals. Vertebral disc disease with a veterinary neurolog
Lori begins with something any animal advocate ought to know about: the history of the animal rights and welfare movements. From the practices of ancient spiritual teachers of India, to the ideas of modern philosophers, Lori hopes this condensed history will inspire you to continue learning on your own.
Next, do you have a plan in place if you cannot make it home because of an emergency? Lori’s unexpected hospitalization while Peter was away presented such a situation, and fortunately, our trusted neighbors were prepared to step in and take care of the dogs and cats. So get your plan in place, especially if you still have an appendix!
Then Darlene Kobobel, President of the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center returns to discuss the many problems related to wolf-dog hybrids, properly called wolfdogs. You will want to think twice before buying one!
And, who doesn’t like the music of the Beatles? Lori offers up a bit of much needed levity, with a fun quiz about Beatles songs with animals in their titles. Next, in recognition of International Cheetah Day, Lori tells us all about these majestic and athletic big cats. As expected, their numbers in the wild in Africa are shrinking, from about 100,000 individuals in 1900 to 9,000 – 12,000 now.
To conclude, Stephen Hanson, DVM joins Lori to discuss veterinary neurology and vertebral disc disease in dogs. Our dog, Susie was his patient.