From Paper To People

From Paper To People

BioADay2022 - Calvin Walker

January 19, 2022

Have you ever set a goal or {shudder} made a New Year's Resolution, and then not kept it? Yeah, you're allowed to look at me and point on that one. I am a terrible offender. But this year, I don't have a goal, or a resolution, I just have a hashtag. A THING, if you will. And that thing is - #BioADay2022. I am working hard to write a bio, little or big, for an ancestor, every day, for the year. And if I don't make one per day, no big deal - I'll just keep on trying.

The podcast helps hold me accountable (as does guilt, lots of guilt), and I'm sharing one of my bios with you today. It's for Calvin Walker, my 3rd great-grandfather. He didn't save children from burning buildings or anything, but he lived a life that, like all lives, deserves to be remembered. I hope you enjoy his story, and the tale of how I assembled it. If I meet my goal, you'll see how important it is to document our ancestors, and you'll feel inspired to do so yourself.

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