And Then There's That, with Michael Hart

And Then There's That, with Michael Hart

Latest Episodes

1/14/19 - Border Wall Idiocy
January 14, 2019

Border Wall Idiocy

1/7/19 - New Year, Same Federal Government
January 07, 2019

New Year, Same Federal Government

12/10/18 - White House Staff Changes Are NBD
December 10, 2018

The Clintons' Tour is falling apart. Rudolph isn't racist. It *really* is cold outside. And the staff changes in the White House aren't as big of a deal as the media wants you to believe.

12/3/18 - And Then There's That!
December 03, 2018

"And Then There's That" is a new addition to the Hart of America Broadcast network, with a weekly look at the hot issues and top stories, featuring Michael Hart's constitutional, conservative, Christian commentary, with your questions and calls.