Her Empire Builder Show with Tina Tower

Her Empire Builder Show with Tina Tower

Latest Episodes

240: Embracing the Suck - The 10 Problems Every Business Owner Has
March 12, 2024

I promise you that this episode is more uplifting than it's title implies! Personally, I don't love the messaging that business is supposed to be easy and you can 'get rich in 15 minutes a day'... it

239: Creating Quizzes That Convert with Chanti Zak
March 05, 2024

In this episode, we have the fabulous Chanti Zak sharing how quizzes can be one of the best lead magnets for your business (if done right, of course). We talk about everything from creating quizzes th

238: Building a great VA Team with Kody Thompson
February 27, 2024

In this podcast episode we have my good friend and virtual teams expert, Kody Thompson! We spoke about when its time to hire, finding the right candidate, the hiring process, onboarding and growing yo

Launching our new name - Her Empire Builder
September 04, 2019

We're doubling down on what we're good at!  Tune in for all of the tools and tips to help you to create your own empire. We'll be talking about speaking, podcasting, personal branding, online course creation and crushing content.   

Alexx Stuart on Changing The World Through A Low Tox Life.
July 23, 2019

Alexx Stuart is the genius behind Low Tox Life.  What started as a simple blog, picking up household items and packaged foods, analysing the ingredients and offering better options, has gone on to become a movement. Coining the phrase 'low tox'...

Why we need to LOVE our bodies to get on with life.
July 19, 2019

The relationship we have with how we look impacts so many areas of our life. Life is both too short and too long to not love every second. There's enough problems in life, we shouldn't create one with our bodies. LOVE the body you're in. 

Nutritional Medicine Expert Emily Connell talks burnout and hormones
July 12, 2019

Emily is a nutritional medicine practitioner, trainer, speaker and facilitator and all round awesome woman. When we’re trying to live big lives, we can very easily get caught in the trap of pushing too hard and trying to do all the things all the...

Change your state to change your life
June 28, 2019

The ability to change your mood and your emotional state will allow you to do the things you want to do in this world.  In this episode, Tina goes through the different methods that she uses to master her state to perform at her best. 

15: Running your home as a TEAM so you have more time for JOY
June 04, 2019

Encouraging your family to work as team for everyone's best chance at success

14: 5 Things To Systemise & Automate In Your Business This Week
May 29, 2019

Systemising your consistent business routine frees up time, space and brain power so that you can spend more time working on the things that with elevate you and your business to the next level.  Today, I give you some tips with how you can...