Americas Now

Latest Episodes
Wrongfully Convicted
Since 1989, over 3,000 people have been exonerated from prison sentences in the United States after evidence proved they were innocent. But how hard is it for those who are wrongfully convicted to reb
White Hands Choir
Imagine a choir where some singers cannot see and others cannot hear. Thats the concept of a unique project in Venezuela, which shows how - when pre-conceptions are put aside -- music can be made. Am
Climate-Forced Indigenous Migration
Navajo Nation people are being forced out. The same is happening in Central America, where the rainy season has become shorter and unpredictable. Farmers, most of whom are indigenous, cant produce li
Venezuelan Students Crossing
Every morning...dozens of kids in western Venezuela leave their homes before 5-am -- to embark on an adventurous journey to school. And itsnot just any school itson the other side of the border,
Peruvian Cuisine In The Spotlight
Correspondent Dan Collyns has been reporting how Peruvians have managed to master the art of combining highland Andean products like local potatoes with seafood from the Pacific Ocean.
Migrants Risking Death To Cross The Border
The US-Mexico border has long been an area of treacherous terrain. And with the number of migrants trying to illegally cross into the US increasing, the number of migrant deaths has risen as well. Sin
Americas Now: Illegal mining in South America
Illegal mining is a big problem in South America. Thousands of small-time miners are digging up and destroying parts of the Amazon in different countries. The police and the army seem to be a step beh
Americas Now: The Female Pioneers of Colombia’s Vallenato Music
Vallenatois likely Colombia's most popular musical genre and part of the country's identity. Played with an accordion, it's a combination of African, Indigenous and European sounds. Traditionally, th
Americas Now: Inside Colombia’s largest drug cartel
Colombia is the world's largest cocaine producer and the cultivation of coca plants, the main ingredient of the drug, is increasing. Elaine Reyes talks to correspondent Toby Muse, who recently reporte
Americas Now: Pirates of the Gulf of Mexico
Piratesand robbing ships at sea may seem like a thing fromthe past. But inMexico, a country that has been attacked by pirates for centuries, the practice continues. Elaine Reyes talks to correspond