America's Jobs Team

America's Jobs Team

Episode 172: How Can You Employ Professional Vulnerability to Build a More Effective Team?

November 18, 2021

“What we know matters but who we are matters more.” –Brené Brown

Before you click away, stick with us for just a minute; we know that the word “vulnerability” can alienate people quickly. When we are talking about needing to be more vulnerable in our professional lives, we don’t mean sitting around in a circle and sharing our deepest, toughest secrets and traumas. Professional vulnerability shows up differently, and it is a vital part of healthy leadership which builds trust and effectiveness.

On today’s episode, Carla Sones and Faye Davis dive into the research backing vulnerable leadership. The two of them dissect what vulnerability is and, perhaps more importantly, is not. As Brené Brown aptly puts it, “letting it all hang out” is not an appropriate iteration of the behavior. Employing vulnerability in an appropriate fashion will help you foster an environment to grow an agile and engaged organization.

If you’re looking for ways to show up more authentically and build more trust with your team, today’s episode will provide you with concrete actions to implement in your leadership journey. Listen in now to hear more!

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