American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

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[CCP Virus] Curtis Ellis: How China’s Communist Party “Infected the World” With its Malign Ideology [20200410]
April 10, 2020

Why has the Chinese Communist Party been buying up, hoarding, and restricting the export of medical supplies, even those manufactured by American companies in China? How is this related to the regime’s propaganda efforts? How has the Chinese...

[CCP Virus] Berman Law Group: US Law Firm Sues China’s Regime for Covid 19 Coverup [20200406]
April 09, 2020

Should the Chinese regime be compelled to pay legal damages for mishandling and deliberately covering up the CCP virus, or coronavirus, outbreak? In practice, how could the Chinese regime actually be held accountable? What precedents are there? What...

[CCP Virus] Gordon Chang: Did China’s Regime Downplay Covid 19 to Allow For Its Global Spread? [20200405]
April 06, 2020

How did the actions of the Chinese Communist Party directly lead to the global CCP virus, or COVID 19, pandemic? Has the US reached a “Pearl Harbor” or “Sputnik” moment with respect to the Chinese regime? Could it be possible that the severity...

[CCP Virus] Sarah Cook: How to Recognize Fake News & Propaganda from China About COVID 19 [20200403]
April 05, 2020

How is the Chinese Communist Party spreading conspiracy theories and propaganda about the CCP virus, or coronavirus, pandemic? How is it using internet bots and Russian-style disinformation to manipulate public opinion globally? And why is it...

[CCP Virus] Rosemary Gibson: COVID 19 Pandemic Shows Why It’s Dangerous to Rely on China for Medicine [20200401]
April 03, 2020

How is it possible that the global supply of medicine components is almost entirely controlled by China? How is this being used as leverage against other countries, especially the U.S.? What would happen if China decided to stop exporting drug...

[CCP Virus] Nadine Maenza: How the Coronavirus Outbreak Impacts Religious Freedom, Notably in China [20200331]
April 02, 2020

Why did the recent double lung transplant on a coronavirus, or CCP virus, patient in China, catch the attention of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)? How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting religious minorities in...

[CCP Virus] Virologist Steven Hatfill: Virus Origin, Local Government Failure & Guarding Your Health [20200330]
April 02, 2020

Through the eyes of virologist and professor of medicine Dr. Steven Hatfill, how did the Chinese Communist Party’s weeks-long cover-up of coronavirus, or CCP virus, contribute to the global pandemic? What are the likely origins of the virus? What...