American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

Latest Episodes

Jeff Carlson: FISA Abuse & Michael Flynn Targeting: Timeline Revelations [20200526]
May 27, 2020

What exactly is in the surprising timeline of events surrounding President Obama’s January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting where former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn was discussed? What is “unmasking” and were the unmaskings of...

Drew Pavlou: Facing Expulsion for Calling Out University Ties to China's Regime—On China Human Rights [20200525]
May 25, 2020

How is it that Drew Pavlou, a 20-year old student who peacefully protested his Australian university’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party, is now facing expulsion? Why do Drew and his lawyer describe his recent disciplinary hearing as a “kangaroo...

Kay Coles James: On COVID-19 Economic Recovery; Protecting Both “Lives & Livelihoods” [20200521]
May 23, 2020

How do we protect both the health and the livelihoods of Americans as we emerge out of this coronavirus outbreak? How should America approach the re-opening of the economy? And, how has “misguided compassion” in our coronavirus response led to...

USAID’s Bonnie Glick: Trump’s Ultimatum to the WHO for COVID-19 Failures; China Debt-Trap Diplomacy [20200520]
May 21, 2020

How is the Chinese Communist Party exploiting poor, but resource-rich or strategically situated countries using debt-trap diplomacy? What role is the US playing in the global response to coronavirus? And, how do authoritarian regimes like China, have...

Cabot Phillips: How Communist China Infiltrates U.S. Campuses & Steals Research, Covid-19 & Beyond [20200518]
May 20, 2020

What exactly are Confucius Institutes, and what role do they play in spreading Chinese communist propaganda on college campuses? How does the Chinese regime systematically steal research from American universities and co-opt professors and students?...

Bob Woodson: On COVID-19 Racial Disparities, 1619 Project & Ahmaud Arbery [20200517]
May 18, 2020

Just why might black Americans be disproportionately affected by the coronavirus outbreak? In the eyes of Bob Woodson, why is the prominence of the 1619 Project deeply troubling, especially now that a key contributor has won a Pulitzer Prize for her...

Sam Sorbo: Homeschooling in the Age of COVID 19 & Common Misconceptions [20200515]
May 17, 2020

Just how has the time of coronavirus changed the game with respect to homeschooling, with so many schools forced to close? What failures do homeschoolers see in the public education system? What are some of the major misconceptions people have about...

Victor Davis Hanson: On Flynn Case, Coronavirus Economy, China’s Culpability & Trump 2020 Prospects [20200503]
May 15, 2020

In this livestream episode, we sit down with classicist and military historian Victor Davis Hanson. He is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, farmer, and author of “The Case for Trump.” We’ll discuss the continually unfolding scandal...

Rep. Mark Green: Reshoring Supply Chains from China & Protecting Companies Struggling Under COVID-19 [20200512]
May 14, 2020

With the Chinese Communist Party taking advantage of this coronavirus outbreak to buy struggling companies worldwide, what can be done to protect American companies? Given the dangers of relying on supply chains and manufacturing in China, especially...

Frank Gaffney: How China’s Communist Party Exploits American Pension Funds & Coronavirus Outbreak [20200511]
May 13, 2020

Just why is it dangerous for US pension funds to be investing heavily in China? How is this endangering US national security? How are Chinese companies able to get away with not providing any information about financial risk? And, how has the Chinese...