American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

Latest Episodes

Benedict Rogers: “All-Out Assault on Hong Kong” [20200702]
July 04, 2020

Just what does the newly passed National Security Law mean for freedom in Hong Kong? Will Hongkongers be arrested for talking to journalists and activists in the West? Could Christians, Falun Gong practitioners or other religious believers be...

Dinesh D’Souza: On Statue Toppling & Socialism’s Divisive Push in America [20200630]
July 01, 2020

The welfare systems of Scandinavian countries are often touted as examples of socialism implemented successfully. But how is the “democratic socialism” being advanced in America today fundamentally different? Why are vandals targeting not just...

Sidney Powell: Inside the Michael Flynn Case and DOJ Reform [20200629]
June 30, 2020

In the court case against Lt. General Michael Flynn, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit has ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan to grant the DOJ’s request to dismiss. But what will happen next? In the eyes of General Flynn’s attorney Sidney...

Elmer Yuan: U.S. Should Sanction All Members of China’s Communist Party [20200627]
June 29, 2020

How can the U.S. effectively hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its abuses, from the coronavirus coverup to its encroachments on Hong Kong? Why is the Chinese leadership choosing to impose the National Security Law on Hong Kong even...

Dennis Prager: “The Undoing of American Liberty” [20200625]
June 27, 2020

In the eyes of Dennis Prager, how is the suppression of opinion in America today unprecedented, and what are the parallels between this and McCarthyism of the 1950’s? How do liberals and conservatives actually have more in common than they think?...

Heather Mac Donald: Violent Crime Will Spike As Police Stop Policing [20200623]
June 24, 2020

Is America experiencing something reminiscent of China’s “Cultural Revolution”? What distinguishes this current moment from other, similar movements? How will the recent push to “defund the police,” sparked by the killing of George Floyd,...

Sen. Marsha Blackburn: The Tentacles of Communist China, from Confucius Institutes to Hong Kong [20200620]
June 22, 2020

Just how are the Chinese regime’s encroachments on Hong Kong, esp. with the pending National Security Law, part of its pursuit of global dominance? How does the Chinese Communist Party use its control of active pharmaceutical ingredients as leverage...

Larry Elder: Why Are Black Conservatives Called Uncle Tom? [20200618]
June 19, 2020

Are police actually using deadly force disproportionately against black people? And how does the focus on police overshadow other monumental problems facing black America today? Why is believing that, black lives matter, not the same as supporting the...

Jon Ponder: How to Rebuild Trust Between Police & Local Communities—on George Floyd Protests, Riots [20200615]
June 16, 2020

Following the killing of George Floyd, there have been growing calls to defund the police. Through the eyes of an ex-con who successfully turned his life around, why is this dangerous and counterproductive? What are real strategies to mend relations...

Joshua Philipp: Marxist Influence on the George Floyd Protests, Riots & Communist China’s Hidden War [20200612]
June 14, 2020

How is the Chinese regime forcing nations to choose between the China and American models, and punishing countries like Australia and the UK that fail to comply with its demands? How is the Chinese communist party exploiting the protests and riots in...