American Thought Leaders

American Thought Leaders

Latest Episodes

Daniel Allott: 2020 Election Results Defy Conventional Wisdom About American Voters [20201109]
November 09, 2020

Last month I interviewed Daniel Allott, author of “On the Road in Trump’s America: A Journey Into the Heart of a Divided Nation.” In his travels, he spoke directly to people in some of America’s most politically interesting areas. He...

Chuck DeVore: Election Simulation Predicted Much of What We're Seeing [20201108]
November 08, 2020

Four weeks ago, Chuck DeVore led a task force of 35 experts across multiple disciplines, wargaming different scenarios for the 2020 US election. One scenario they looked at was an ambiguous result with several states’ final election results being...

Rachel Bovard: The Realignment of the Republican and Democratic Parties [20201106]
November 07, 2020

According to exit polls, Trump won a higher share of non-white voters than any Republican presidential candidate since 1960. And blue-collar workers donated large amounts to the Trump campaign. On the other hand, donor data shows that Biden received...

Hans von Spakovsky: Mounting Questions About the Integrity of the Election [20201104]
November 05, 2020

Despite poll predictions, 2020 has turned out to be an exceedingly close race. The day after the election, several battleground states are still counting votes, with the Presidency hanging in the balance. In this episode, we sit down with Hans von...

Allum Bokhari: The Invisible Influence of Big Tech on Politics & Elections [20201103]
November 05, 2020

How do big tech companies impact the political beliefs of their users? In this episode, we sit down with investigative journalist Allum Bokhari, author of “#DELETED: Big Tech's Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal the Election.” Bokhari...

Mike Davis: Reigning in Big Tech With Existing Law; How Trump Got 220 Judges Confirmed [20201031]
November 03, 2020

With the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the Supreme Court now has three justices nominated by President Trump. At the same time, there is open discussion of court packing, setting court term limits, and even impeaching Trump-nominated...

Peter Navarro: ‘Arc of Toughness’ on China to Continue Under a Second Trump Administration [20201101]
November 02, 2020

In this episode, we sit down with Peter Navarro, Assistant to President Trump and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. We discuss the United States trade policy with China, U.S. entities acting as what Navarro describes as...

Rep. Warren Davidson: Is COVID Stimulus a Double-Edged Sword? [20201029]
November 01, 2020

Even before coronavirus hit, the United States was 23 trillion dollars in debt. And in recent months America has devoted $4 trillion to grants, loans and tax breaks for coronavirus relief. Now there is discussion about another $1.8 trillion stimulus....

Sharyl Attkisson: The Big Money Behind the Narrative [20201026]
October 26, 2020

Much of media today seeks to advance narratives to the exclusion of facts, fairness, and accuracy, says Sharyl Attkisson, a five-time Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist. In many cases, there are big interests and big money involved. At the...

Charles Burton: How China’s Communist Party Squelches Academic Freedom Globally & How to Fight Back [20201022]
October 24, 2020

There is mounting evidence of the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration of the West, from harassing academics to stealing sensitive technology to allowing the spread of deadly fentanyl. Most recently, Professor Anne-Marie Brady, a leading authority...