The Artist in American History

The Artist in American History

Latest Episodes

Election Special! The Trump Effect
November 03, 2016

A Portrait of a Nation Divided

Guardians of the Forest: The Magna Carta and Colonial America
July 01, 2016

In early America it was Native Americans, not the English, who truly enshrined the values modern politicians and historians attribute to the English.

The Politics of Star Wars
December 31, 2015

From rebels to evil galactic empires, the politics of Star Wars is a rich subject indeed.

The Present State of the Future
October 16, 2015

Science Fiction and the American Truth

Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and the Suicidal Clowns of New York
August 29, 2015

An Introduction to Looking for Charlie, the new documentary about Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and the Suicidal Clowns of New York

Unfrozen - Gender and the Disney Princess
January 15, 2015

Lecture exploring how Disney's animated princesses have been slowly and unevenly evolving to adapt to the modern world

Why is 'Redskins' Racist - The History Behind the Controversy
August 28, 2014

In this lecture we examine the history behind the name 'Redskins', looking at the history of race and racism in order to lay bare what, exactly, is so problematic with that label. This lecture ties the history of race into the current controversy...

Folk Music of the Civil War: Hard Times Come Again
August 03, 2014

Bad food makes great music - in this lecture Dr. Reid examines the role played by folk music in the American Civil War by examining the case study of 'Hard Times Come Again No More' and how that song came to be about better food for the Union army

5 Minute History: The Theatre of Charlie Chaplin's Youth
August 01, 2014

In this 5 Minute History explores the importance of live theatre as a way of building community in Britain and America in the 19th and early 20th century, from Vaudeville to the Music Hall.

5 Minute History: Charlie Chaplin and Kid Auto Races
June 29, 2014

Celebrate one hundred years of Charlie Chaplin with this micro documentary exploring his early life and his earliest appearances as the "Little Tramp". In this five minute history, become a master of Chaplin's early years.