The American Hilljack Files – The American Hilljack Pro Series Radio
The American Hilljack Files Ep 12(The Real John Lane, Local Promoters Suck and other Bullshit)Part 2
About the show
Intro and Greetings: Positive Facts & Flack from the Hilljack
Music Break 1: Crank It Up – Rat Bastard Syndicate
Seg 1: Bonding & Learning with The Real John Lane
Music Break 2: Walls – After The Fall
Sidebar Commercial
Capital Punishment – Three Vultures
Unnecessary Bullshit – Skell
Seg 2: Bass Players and Being an Uncle
Music Break 3: Daisy Duke – Terachain Sky
Baptized in Gasoline – Hemi Devils
Seg 3: Local Promoters Suck (The controversy Uncle Eric Loves)
Music Break 4: Last Call (Live) – The Hellfire Club
Seg 4: Influences & future happenings Three Vultures & Askew Painting
Closin’ and Good Vibes:
Final Music Break: Bullshit (God Damn It) – American Dog