American Warrior Radio

American Warrior Radio

Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes

April 23, 2023

The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes provides support for Veterans severely wounded during the Global War on Terror. Two representatives join us for this broadcast.

Donny Daughenbaugh is the Senior VP for Development and Administration. He was shot in the face when his Marine Squad was engaged south of Baghdad. The bullet lodged at the base of his skull near his spine so doctors chose to leave it in place. Donny suffers tremendous pain to this day.

Mary Jessie Herrera is their Western Field Representative. She joined the Arizona NationalSalute Heroes Guard with plans to make a career out of the Army. Mary was the lead gunner in a convoy ambushed while traveling from Fallujah to Ramadi. She took two AK-47 rounds to her right arm. Thankfully doctors were able to save the appendage but she still has limited use of her right hand.

The Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes administers a variety of programs designed to support wounded Veterans.  Wounded Veterans can face financial strains during their hospital stay and recoveries. The Coalition’s Emergency Financial Aid program provides assistance with everything from mortgage & rent payments to groceries and utility assistance.Salute Heroes

When the Coalition heard about spouses having to leave their jobs to be with their Veteran during recovery, the organization created the “Heroes Thanking Heroes” initiative. This allows spouses to earn money with flexible hours from home making calls to thank program donors. Since inception over 3.5 million calls have been completed.

The Coalition also has programs designed to support children & caregivers we well as all expense paid conferences that allow the Veterans to find hope & healing among those comrades also making the transition. Online education and training courses are also made available.

TAKEAWAY: ” When someone is killed they are fulfilling the commitment they made by writing a blank check to the American people up to and including their lives. When someone is wounded, they are still paying off that check, just more slowly.”