American Warrior Radio

American Warrior Radio

Transition – Havok Journal Editor Scott Faith

November 08, 2022

The transition from military to civilian life is the principle focus of our regular Havok Journal update with Editor Scott Faith.  The transition can be more difficult for some than it is for others. Scott himself is retiring from the Army soon after 28 years in service.transition

Several articles on the topic have been published on Havok Journal and we discuss highlights of each.

“Observations of a Transitioning Officer – Time to Go” by Josh McKaskill

“A Green Beret Leaves the Service – How to Ruin Your Transition in Five Ways” by Marshall McGurk

“Veteran Nonprofits: The Backbone of Military Transition to Civilian Life” by Megan Thatford

The Havok Journal started the 2nd Mission Foundation specifically to help members of the military or first responder communities to make their transition. “A lot of time Vets think they have to do it alone and that is absolutely not true..there is a lot of support out there.”

We also talk about a recent article by Ayman Kafel called “Fellow Police Officers ..It’s OK to Die in Defense of Others.”  May seem controversial but once one gets passed the headline Ayman is really discussing a mindset that is important for police officers. “If you aren’t willing or mentally prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, then find another line of work because people’s lives depend on you.”  He proposes that a mission first attitude needs to be adopted by more police agencies.

Anyone interested in potentially writing to Havok Journal is encouraged to contact them through their website.

TAKEAWAY: “A retirement ceremony is the professional equivalent of a funeral because your career is officially dead at that point.”