American Warrior Radio

American Warrior Radio

Three Veteran’s Day Perspectives

November 09, 2021

Veteran’s Day is a very important day for American Warrior Radio. Three Veterans joins us to share their thoughts.

Frank Antenori served as a Green Beret. He trained Mujahedeen fighters to fight the Soviets, served in Desert Storm and returned to Afghanistan in 2002, participating in Operation Anaconda among other actions. His book Rough Neck 91 describes his A-Team’s battle against a numerically superior force in Iraq. Frank’s uncle Gino Merli was awarded the Medal of Honor in World War II.

A member of Stacy Pearsall’s family served in the armed forces all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Stacy served as an Air Force Combat Photographer until injuries from several IED blasts forced her into a medical retirement. She is founder of the Veteran’s Portrait Project and has photographed over 8.500 Veterans all across the USA.

Chris Kilgore was “born into the Army” at Fort Bragg. He flew helicopters in Vietnam and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. He also flew for the US Coast Guard. Chris is one of the Vietnam Purple Heart pilots whose stories are told in the book “Mended Wings”.

Our guests share their perspectives on several topics including the false stereotype of the “broken Veteran” and things civilians should think about on Veteran’s Day.

Stacy: “Show support through your actions. There are so many opportunities in every community to do so. If you reach out somebody is going to reach back.”

Chris: “We should take advantage of every chance we have to talk to, learn from and thank our Veterans for their patriotism.”

Frank: “Sometimes members of our military are only treated as the break glass in case of war crowd. Lives at home go on as usual because of the sacrifices that Veterans are making overseas.”

TAKEAWAY:  Just because a war is over doesn’t mean it has ended for those who fought it.