American Warrior Radio

American Warrior Radio

Sons of Valor – Andrews & Wilson

June 06, 2021

Sons of Valor is the latest release from internationally best-selling Navy Veteran authors Jeffrey Wilson and Brian Andrews. Jeffrey served as a combat surgeon operating with SEAL teams and a Joint Special Operations Task Force. Brian served as an officer on fast attack submarines. They both join us to shed some insights into their new book. We also discuss how the military concepts of teamwork and mission before self have been transferred over to their writing and promotional models.

Sons of Valor releases to the public June 8th and raises to prominence a minor, but very popular character in some of their previous books.  The co-authors begin the process of writing each book with a “what if?” proposition. In the case of Sons of Valor, this involves a terrorist organization that gains access to technologies that eliminate the asymmetric nature of battle.

We spend a great deal of time talking about transitions following military service and both Jeffrey & Brian share their thoughts and challenges they personally faced. Both guests emphasize that Veterans should realize they are not alone. There is a whole community their fellows who have successfully made the transition and are willing to provide mentoring or other support.

Their team philosophy extends to their promotional strategies as well. They believe that Veterans can lift each other up. Some examples of this creative cross promotion include using Bottle Breacher products on their merchandise page and a Bone Frog Coffee line specifically named after their new series. They also often review books written by fellow Veteran authors like Jack Carr.

TAKEAWAY: “Regardless of what business you want to go into, if you are going to be cowed at the first roadblock that’s a shame. This is how the world works – there are a lot of gatekeepers whose job is to slam the door in your face and see what you do.”