American Warrior Radio

American Warrior Radio

Havok Journal Update – Scott Faith

December 22, 2018

Our last update of 2018 with Havok Journal Editor Scott Faith centers on leadership subjects.

The show is introduced with “Five Military Leadership Lessons from a Man with a Beard”, written by Havok Journal founder Marty Skovlund, Jr.  These five tips apply to everyone, regardless of whether they are wearing a uniform or not.

Next we touch upon the recent resignation of Secretary of Defense James Mattis.  Havok Journal contributor Greg Dobny proposes that the loss of Mattis is not necessarily a bad thing. Greg highlights the “schizophrenia” that can sometimes emerge in the Veteran/Military community when it comes to issues such as the Mattis resignation.

General Stanley McChrystal’s new book “Leaders: Myth and Reality” was reviewed by Havok Journal contributor Mike Kelvington.  Scott worked for McChrystal during a JSOC assignment and also was a student of his at Yale.  McChrystal’s book examines leaders from General Robert E. Lee to Walt Disney and draws lessons from each.

Last, Scott introduces a new topic that is gaining traction and should be heard by everyone who has served or knows someone in the military.  We are learning that Sleep Apnea is being overly diagnosed as PTSD when the patient is a Veteran.  Improperly diagnosed, Sleep Apnea can have devastating effects on one’s health.   The ramifications upon Veterans who are prescribed a cocktail of PTSD meds instead of a CPAP machine can be just as damaging.

TAKEAWAY:  Effective leaders are not always the most moral, humble or likeable. The poorest leaders are those who cannot make decisions – whether good ones or bad one.