American Freedom & God Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Swamp
Define "Swamp" for a minute and today we take a look at the use of the word as well as the definition. We also look at current issues with finding truth and the benefit of the doubt where it comes to origins of the latest pandemic.
Trust In Our Government….Right?
Today we discuss current issues in American Politics such as the current attack on race and uncovering truth to shed new outlooks and light on things that hit us so hard in the last couple years. Hope message is on the power of prayer today!
Keep Your Faith!
Today we look at some of the most disappointing issues going on in American politics and add our commentary as well as some of the best advice in all of the universe....Keep the faith! Dr. Jeremiah from Turning Point will cover a short but strong mess...
The Party Of Crisis
From the Border to the economy and national security there is no shortage of crisis for you as an American but even though the radicals continue to attack the Freedoms of Americans through the very means of all these crisis,
Ripping Away At Our Freedom
Brainwash the people with the racism card! It is all the Democrats know; but we can see through that and know that it is just the method they use to divide Americans. But why would Democrats want to divide the citizens of America?
National Decay From Our Leaders
Declaring war on our Police lacks wisdom indeed. Businesses refuse to care about the reality of life and things that are just superficial, they cave so easily! Childish behavior from a certain Democratic Congresswoman and incitefull behavior from othe...
Learn To Stay Compassionate!
We are always being told "learn more" on the articles and other posts we read, but how about learning to stay compassionate of what you already know? Going with your passion and being compassionate is a good thing if it heads in the right direction,
How To Find Hope When All Things Negative Are Increasing
Finding hope during despair is not the easiest thing to do, but today we talk about not only what is happening to our country during these times but how we can stay calm and find a way to fix this.
Crisis At The Border
These are the times of the worse crisis at the border ever. All you have to do as a sitting President of the U.S. is announce that all border restrictions will be lifted after being elected and the flood gates will run over. Biden did that,