America Trends Podcast

America Trends Podcast

EP 743 Finding an Audience For Your Product or Service Requires New Skills in 2024

March 18, 2024

It seems as if everyone is screaming out for attention in this era given the ease with which people can find audiences for their meanderings, political views, loves and pet peeves.  Just jump on line and wail away, with photos, videos and all manner of content.  Given this new reality, and everyone living in their own communications bubble, you can only imagine how challenging it can be for a company or service provider in this era to decide how to go about the process of finding their audience.  Does television still work?  Does anyone listen to the radio or only podcasts?  How do I find my audience on line…is it through Tik Tok or Facebook?  The choices are endless.  Yet budgets and resources to go audience shopping are not.  Ray Sheehan, Founder of Old City Media, a North American event production and experiential marketing agency, joins us to discuss how he goes about the process of marketing today and the need to make it ‘experiential.’  He’ll define that term and tell us what he thinks is the most effective marketing campaign he sees today in this environment.