America on the Road

America on the Road

Driving the All-New 2021 Ram 1500 TRX, Apex Predator of Trucks

October 23, 2020

What is it like to drive a 702-horsepower supertruck that is designed to lay waste to every other truck on the road? America on the Road host Jack Nerad got that opportunity this week, and he shares his varied experiences in this podcast. Spoiler alert: there are things about the truck that you'd probably never guess.

In the interview portion of the program, Nerad sits down for a lengthy talk with Robin Moreo, Nissan program manager and an expert on the just-introduced Nissan Rogue compact SUV. In conjunction with his early drive of the handsome Rogue, Nerad got the chance to discuss Nissan's thinking behind the markedly changed version of its most popular product.

In the news segment of the program, Nerad and co-host Geno Effler of J.D. Power discuss the recent introduction of the GMC Hummer Edition 1. Unveiled in a showy TV campaign this week, the $100,000+ Hummer vaults the GMC brand in a different direction with a new spin on what a Hummer can be. In addition, there is startling news from supercar maker De Tomaso that you would not have seen coming.